BitSet 用法总结
- BitSet是线程不安全的
- BitSet的初始大小是64位的,每次动态扩容为之前的2倍或者可以满足现在大小中最大的
- BitSet存储的基本数据结构(一个long型的数组)
/** * The internal field corresponding to the serialField "bits". */ private long[] words;
- BitSet的get方法实现
public boolean get(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex); checkInvariants(); int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); return (wordIndex < wordsInUse) && ((words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)) != 0); }
- BitSet的set方法实现
public void set(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex); int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); expandTo(wordIndex); words[wordIndex] |= (1L << bitIndex); // Restores invariants checkInvariants(); }
- 初始大小,2^6 = 64位(一个long型数据)
private final static int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6;
private transient int wordsInUse = 0;
private static int wordIndex(int bitIndex) { return bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD; }
private void expandTo(int wordIndex) { int wordsRequired = wordIndex+1; if (wordsInUse < wordsRequired) { ensureCapacity(wordsRequired); wordsInUse = wordsRequired; } }
- 容量扩充为之前的两倍或者满足现在容量最大的(long []数组扩充)
private void ensureCapacity(int wordsRequired) { if (words.length < wordsRequired) { // Allocate larger of doubled size or required size int request = Math.max(2 * words.length, wordsRequired); words = Arrays.copyOf(words, request); sizeIsSticky = false; } }
int request = Math.max(2 * words.length, wordsRequired);
public static long[] copyOf(long[] original, int newLength) { long[] copy = new long[newLength]; System.arraycopy(original, 0, copy, 0, Math.min(original.length, newLength)); return copy; }
- 初始大小,2^6 = 64位(一个long型数据)
BitSet 统计true的数量实现方法(cardinality方法)
public int cardinality() { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < wordsInUse; i++) sum += Long.bitCount(words[i]); return sum; }
public int nextSetBit(int fromIndex) { if (fromIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex < 0: " + fromIndex); checkInvariants(); int u = wordIndex(fromIndex); if (u >= wordsInUse) return -1; long word = words[u] & (WORD_MASK << fromIndex); while (true) { if (word != 0) return (u * BITS_PER_WORD) + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(word); if (++u == wordsInUse) return -1; word = words[u]; } }
BitSet Demo
public static void test1() {
BitSet bitSet = new BitSet();
System.out.println("bitSet size:" + bitSet.size()); bitSet.set(54);
System.out.println("bitSet size:" + bitSet.size()); bitSet.set(67);
System.out.println("bitSet size:" + bitSet.size()); bitSet.set(320);
System.out.println("bitSet size:" + bitSet.size());
System.out.println("The true numbers: " + bitSet.cardinality());
System.out.println("The nextClearBit: " + bitSet.nextClearBit(0));
System.out.println("The nextSetBit: " + bitSet.nextSetBit(0));
System.out.println("The true numbers: " + bitSet.cardinality());
System.out.println("12's numberOfTrailingZeros: " + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(12));}
bitSet size:64
bitSet size:64
bitSet size:128
bitSet size:384
The true numbers: 4
The nextClearBit: 0
The nextSetBit: 23
The true numbers: 0
12's numberOfTrailingZeros: 2
BitSet 基本方法介绍
返回类型 | 方法名称 | 描述 |
void | and(BitSet set) | 按位进行与操作 |
void | andNot(BitSet set) | 按位进行清除操作 |
void | or(BitSet set) | 按位进行或操作 |
void | xor(BitSet set) | 按位进行异或操作 |
void | cardinality() | 位图中true的数量,即被设置的位的数量 |
int | nextClearBit(int fromIndex) | 位图中从fromIndex开始后面第一个为false的位的索引值 |
int | nextSetBit(int fromIndex) | 位图中从fromIndex开始后面第一个为true的位的索引值 |
int | previousClearBit(int fromIndex) | 位图中从fromIndex开始前面第一个为false的位的索引值 |
int | previousSetBit(int fromIndex) | 位图中从fromIndex开始前面第一个为true的位的索引值 |
boolean | intersects(set) | 两个位图中存在同样为true的位 |
void | clear() | 位图中所有位全部置为false |
void | clear(int bitIndex) | 位图中bitIndex这个位置设置false |
void | clear(int fromIndex, int toIndex) | 位图中从fromIndex到toIndex位置的位全部设置为false |
void | flip(int bitIndex) | 位图中的bitIndex位数值反转 0->1 1->0 |
void | flip(int fromIndex, int toIndex) | |
void | set(int bitIndex) | |
void | set(int bitIndex, boolean value) | |
void | set(int fromIndex, int toIndex) | |
void | set(int fromIndex, int toIndex, boolean value) | |
boolean | get(int bitIndex) | |
BitSet | get(int fromIndex, int toIndex) |
BitSet解决LeetCode 41题方法
public int firstMissingPositive(int[] nums) {
BitSet set = new BitSet();
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (nums[i] >= 0) {
return set.nextClearBit(1);